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Award Winners!


It is official - we really are quite good at what we do!!

"Best Comprehensive Dog Walking Company - Yorkshire' 

DotDot Pet Care faced some stiff national competition in this years annual 'LuxLife Magazine Awards' in the Pet Care Industry section!

Having made it to the final in our category - a comprehensive essay was required to detail how as a local business we had managed throughout 2020 during Covid-19: how we had diversified, worked as a team, supported the community and above all - how we had adapted our services in the midst of a global pandemic! 

Team work really does make the dream work where DotDot is concerned!  Not only has the amazing internal team of DotDot supported one another and allowed flexibility with childcare / supporting each others workloads, but our wider DotDotFamily (the clients) have been utterly unbelievable! 

Realising the tight restrictions imposed on our industry and the fact that lots of our clients used our services even when they didn't need to.... has meant that DotDot has survived, quite frankly, the most unprecedented of times!  We have used the quieter times to take extra qualifications to strengthen the teams experience, Karli has developed numerous processes and protocols to ensure work could carry on safely during Covid-19, we provided free walks to those who were self-isolating, poorly, did shopping for those clients who couldn't get out and generally just offered support and a smile to those who needed it the most (socially distanced of course!).

Being given the award for "Best Comprehensive Dog Walking Company - Yorkshire' means the absolute world to the team.  In a year where we all thought we may not have a job to come back's amazing that we are still here and busier than ever.

Thanks to all our DotDotFamilty for standing by us and of course a huge thanks to the team who truly have taken the rough with the smooth in 2020 and weathered the storm.  Onwards and upwards!

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Best Dog walkers in East Riding